Moodboard 2.0

We love Instagram at Faber. As far as we’re concerned, there’s no better way to express our creativity in such an instant and accessible way.

We post a variety of things, one of which is our ‘moodboard’ series – a photo of a materials board produced by Faber, often for a specific project or sometimes just for the fun of it.

Moodboard 2.0 is a progression of this idea, where we create a moodboard around a specific idea. The first of these, as shown above, is inspired by our love for Japanese cuisine. The subject matter should be obvious; if it’s not we’ve failed. The whole point of this series is to hone our storytelling skills through a purely visual medium.

Hopefully you’ll find it interesting. Head over to our Instagram page to view this and any future posts in this series, by clicking this link >

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