Experience Journal: Speedboat Bar, London

Here at Faber, we believe the secret to success in the hospitality industry is the creation of a seamless experience—as opposed to a particular type of cuisine or decor. It occurs when a business knows exactly what it’s about, demonstrates it in every detail, and executes it consistently. We call this Immersive Hospitality™. And The Experience Journal puts a spotlight on venues that have achieved this to give readers an insight into what makes them special.

In our latest edition, we get the lowdown on London’s Speedboat Bar from Alex our Project Manager, who loves to find the best of the personality packed bars and restaurants London has to offer.

Speedboat Bar is a restaurant I didn't know I needed in my life, until I went. It is certainly not new on the London food scene, and has been getting great reviews for a couple of years now. So I was quite excited to try this Thai culinary sensation. The food is fantastic, packed with flavour, with salty tangy heat only synonyms with food from that part of the world. But it was more than that. It was the attention to detail.

Being almost 40 my life is at that stage where I am either looking after young children or at work. But being in Speedboat Bar suddenly transported me back to a time of my life with very little responsibilities (gap year tragedy) , a tragic haircut, and eagerness for dodgy tattoos, and no issue with day time drinking in the name of travel and exploration.

Speedboat has everything. The menus are plastic with garish imagery and pictures of the food. The toilets even have the no standing on the toilet seat sign. The bar has a pool table and the outside seats are the same plastic stools seen all over Thailand.

Not only was this a fantastic meal with friendly staff wearing personalized Thai football shirts, but this was a great trip down memory lane to a time and a place I was very fond of. This brought me a lot of joy, I highly recommend it. Like everyone else!

Take a look at Speedboat Bar's website here

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